Saturday, February 28, 2009


As a Minister in a small church and in a Great Country, I am quite concerned of the economic trend our nation is in. My family came to this country in 1971 because it is the greatest nation on earth with a lot of opportunities for all. I remember coming into New York City and was totally amazed at the tall buildings and the beautiful city before me. To a lot of people around the world, whether they admit it or not, the United States of America is the modern day land that is flowing with Milk and Honey.

Today the nation is in shambles. I am still trying to recover from paying $4.00 a gallon for gas that now I think $2.00 a gallon is a bargain.... funny how perceptions change. Now there is a Stimulas Package out there that is worth TRILLIONS of dollars that the United States don't have, but we will print it and borrow it and let the future generations worry about them. Something is wrong here. I don't care whether this is led by Democrats or Republicans, the fact is that our nations is going down the drain. The more money we print, the less our dollars will be worth. How much longer before we start trading our Dollars for the Mexican Pesos?

I am not an expert at the economy and I hope I am wrong. I do not agree with our President, but I support him because he is my President. I pray that the leaders in this country will seek our God and seek out God's will for this country. Our greatest Stimulas Plan should only come from God above.

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